28 May, 2009

Know:The Internet’s 10 Most Hated People

With the current election turning increasingly negative, maybe it is time to take a step back and look at 10 people that contribute something to the internet (so no Jack Thompson unless he starts blogging), face a massive backlash, and have become the most hated people on the internet. (Yes, it has Eric Bauman.)

1. Michael Arrington

Being the god-king of tech blogs isn’t easy (unless your name is Pete Cashmore and you can stare at yourself in a mirror), just ask Michael Arrington. He spends most of his panda-like existence blogging and picking fights with anyone that dares to criticize him. Most of the hate for Arrington comes from TechCrunch’s popularity, insane anger, and general douchebaggery towards anyone he considers lower than him.

2. Julia Allison

Famous for her attempts at getting famous, blogger Julia Allison has been hated on sites like Gawker since she first appeared in 2006. A legion of commenters descends from the skies like the monkeys from The Wizard of Oz to shit and piss all over the place with comments about her thighs whenever she writes a blog post about whatever tech company founder she is dating.

3. Tila Tequila

The Internets 10 Most Hated People tilatequila

Sometime in 2006, Tila polished the turd of being an internet softcore pornstar into Tila Tequila, a pop singer and MTV dating show host. The neckbeards and fat lesbians that were sloughed off during her transformation were not amused by the sudden drought in Tila porn and act like a loosely connected terrorist cell that appear to raise doubts about her sexuality and to compare her forehead to a dolphin’s.

4. Casey Serin

The Internets 10 Most Hated People caseyserin

In 2005, Casey Serin racked up $2.2 million in debt to flip houses for massive profits. Only, he was armed with MC Hammer’s financial powers and couldn’t sell most of the houses in the collapsing market. His blogs are the target of a hate so pure from The Haterz, an organized group of real estate and finance bloggers, that they could bottle and sell it for a higher profit than Serin could ever manage.

5. Lori Drew

The Internets 10 Most Hated People loridrew

The world was shocked that attractive people on MySpace could be middle-aged helicopter moms when, in 2007, bloggers outed Lori Drew as the person that used a sock puppet to harass 13-year-old Megan Meier until she committed suicide. The lack of remorse from Drew has angered the internet to the point that most are willing to give up some free speech to send her to jail under broad hacking laws.

6. Jason Fortuny

The Internets 10 Most Hated People jasonfortuny

In 2006, the media exploded in a Bastille of anger when Jason Fortuny realized Craigslist is used only to troll for sex, posed as a woman, and posted the responses to his LiveJournal (obviously NSFW) where commenters identified and hassled responders. He then created Megan Had It Coming, posing as Drew posing as Megan’s friend, and was flummoxed that he is considered a bag of dicks for coming out as the author.

7. Michael Crook

The Internets 10 Most Hated People michaelcrook

If Fortuny is a bag of dicks then Michael Crook is the dick bank where Scrooge McCock swims around in an endless sea of dicks. He is best known for using DMCA takedown notices to harass bloggers that mocked his appearance on Fox News to defend Forsake the Troops, a site that claims troops are overpaid parasites, until a 2007 EFF lawsuit made him literally apologize to the internet.

8. David Motari

The Internets 10 Most Hated People jasonmotari

David Motari’s Bebo profile says he is happiest “hittin the gym”, “eating”, and “cruisin”, but fails to mention his love for tossing puppies of cliffs. in 2008, a YouTube video showing him doing that appeared and bloggers became fixed with ruining his life. To their credit, the USMC investigated the issue as soon as the video appeared and ended up discharging him.

9. Tim Buckley

The Internets 10 Most Hated People timbuckley

Other webcomic creators hate Ctrl-Alt-Delete, Tim Buckley’s webcomic about stroke victims that are unable to close their mouths but love video games and have miscarriages, because of Buckley’s inability to take criticism, lazy art, and excessive dialogue. Former fans hate him for banning thousands of forum members in 2005 after it was alleged that he sent naked pictures of himself to an under-aged forum member.

10. Eric Bauman

The Internets 10 Most Hated People ericbauman

The Carlos Mencia of the internet, Eric Bauman is hated by everyone that encounters him but eBaum’s World still manages to scrape on. YTMND DDoS attacks, Anonymous attributing raids to him, and all sorts of other drama stem from Bauman’s unrepentant attitude towards watermarking stolen content. In fact, hate for Eric Bauman and eBaum’s World is what powers the internet.

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